Sunday, December 28, 2008
8:53 PM
Counting Down to 2009, 3 Days to Go! Wishing that year 2009 will be a better year for all..
Monday, December 22, 2008
7:38 PM
Tuesday December 23 2008, PLAN BELOW IS PROPOSED BY DESMOND AND SHAUN, ANY OBJECTION EQUAL TO NO CHRISTMAS! Reminder #1: Have you get your present yet? 1. Sakura International Buffet - $28/head Embracing an international cuisine concept, Sakura serves up to 100 different varieties of Japanese, Western and Oriental foodfare everyday. To briefly entice you, appetizers include scallops, lobster salad, mussels, cold prawns and sashimi. The main entrees encompass an assortment of dim sum, Teppanyaki(Include lamb chop, salmon and beef, etc.), tempura and grilled items. A wide selection of mouth-watering sushi will also be prepared on the spot by the chefs for all consummate sushi fans. Last but not least, desserts such as cheesecakes, fruits, ice cream and beverages complete the buffet with a satisfying touch. 2. Hotpot Culture - $25/head 3. Just Acia - Ranging from $5.90 onwards depending on what you order with free flow of ice-cream and drinks and cappucino. So please choose 1 of your choice again. (: Shaun- Sakura International Buffet.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
9:17 PM
Monday, 22nd December 2008, -Afternoon: Christmas Lunch -Night: Movie -After 12am: Gifts Exchange, *to be confirmed. Please vote for a venue for Christmas Lunch: 1. Sakura International Buffet Place: OrchardPrice: $24 [12-2pm] $28 [6-9:30pm] Embracing an international cuisine concept, Sakura serves up to 100 different varieties of Japanese, Western and Oriental foodfare everyday. To briefly entice you, appetizers include scallops, lobster salad, mussels, cold prawns and sashimi. The main entrees encompass an assortment of dim sum, Teppanyaki(Include lamb chop, salmon and beef, etc.), tempura and grilled items. A wide selection of mouth-watering sushi will also be prepared on the spot by the chefs for all consummate sushi fans. Last but not least, desserts such as cheesecakes, fruits, ice cream and beverages complete the buffet with a satisfying touch. 2. 镇发火锅活海鲜 Place: 275 Thomson Road Price: $18.90 nett (周日晚餐/Weekdays Dinner) Time: 5pm-12am 餐厅自今年初搬迁到新地址就推出18元9毛整的火锅自助餐,每天晚餐从5点到12点,每位客人不但有100g的活虾活螃蟹,还有各式火锅料理。餐厅也提供烧烤和铁板烧服务,客人无需动手就可享用美食三吃。餐厅也有现做的日本寿司,让食客多了另一个选择。享用完火锅大餐,别忘了甜品!18块9 的火锅 buffet 还包括各式各样的甜品哦。 3. Hotpot culture Place: Marina Sq Price: $7.90++ [Porridge Buffet-11:30am-2:30pm] $24.80 [ Ala Carte dinner buffet] Porridge Buffet: Help yourself to our Porridge Buffet counter for a wide selection of over 30 favourite local dishes. Ala Carte Dinner buffet: Enjoy your steamboat in a mini personal hotpot with up to 40 different steamboat items and over 40 different cooked dishesSignature Dishes and includes Desserts such as chocolate fondue & ice-cream are inclusive. 4. Lao Beijing Buffet Place: plaza Singapura Price: $10.20++Time: 3-5pm 菜单中包括开胃菜,点心、面食和甜品,将近30道菜色。店里的特色之一,蒜泥白肉,和传统做法不同,讲究切工和火候控制,加上特制的蒜泥酱汁,就是一道不油不腻的开胃小菜. Please State 1 of your choice, 1-4. And please remember it will be lunch+Dinner, we will not eat dinner that day. (: